
Velocity Neural
Effortless SaaS,
COLO, & Datacenter

Cloud - Hybrid - Local Dedicated


Deployment Strategies

Cloud Strategy


  • AWS

  • GCE

  • Azure

  • IBM Cloud

  • Oracle

  • Linode

Velocity Neural is primarily delivered as a SaaS Solution using AWS Services. We do all of the heavy lifting across multiple datacenters, GPU rigs, and device farms (this gets awefully messy). As a SaaS Solution, user accounts are created and voilĂ  off to the races you go! Behind the scenes there are a plethora of moving parts that we utilize for optimization and accuracy - this is by far the most cost effective and effcient way to go.

CoLocation Deployment


As touched on in our SaaS Strategy, Velocity Neural uses various datacenters, devices, and locations to accurately deliver signal. However, we understand in some environments you need the ability to install certain operations across COLOS. No problemo! We have different scenarios for Colo Strategy and Deployment. One common scenario is pushing the signal from our origin points to your application server located wherever your COLO resides. We are also happy to discuss a full set up End-to-End COLO Velocity build.

Local Datacenter Deployment

Bare Metal
SANs or Serverless

Generally speaking we try to stay away from full localhost deployments for Velocity Neural. However, we have set up local datacenter builds and are happy to discuss your requirements if you must keep everything under one roof.